use crate::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
/// Trait that must be implemented for a Database
pub trait Database {
/// Config for database. Default is necessary for a default() pmtree function
type Config: Default;
/// Creates new instance of db
fn new(config: Self::Config) -> PmtreeResult<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// Loades existing db (existence check required)
fn load(config: Self::Config) -> PmtreeResult<Self>
Self: Sized;
/// Returns value from db by the key
fn get(&self, key: DBKey) -> PmtreeResult<Option<Value>>;
/// Puts the value to the db by the key
fn put(&mut self, key: DBKey, value: Value) -> PmtreeResult<()>;
/// Puts the leaves batch to the db
fn put_batch(&mut self, subtree: HashMap<DBKey, Value>) -> PmtreeResult<()>;
/// Closes the db connection
fn close(&mut self) -> PmtreeResult<()>;