use crate::{evm_types::OpcodeId, keccak256, Bytes, Hash, ToBigEndian, ToWord, Word};
use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt::Display, iter, str::FromStr};
pub enum Error {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct BytecodeElement {
value: u8,
is_code: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Bytecode {
code: Vec<BytecodeElement>,
num_opcodes: usize,
markers: HashMap<String, usize>,
impl From<Bytecode> for Bytes {
fn from(code: Bytecode) -> Self {
impl Bytecode {
pub fn from_raw_unchecked(input: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self {
code: input
.map(|b| BytecodeElement {
value: *b,
is_code: true,
markers: HashMap::new(),
num_opcodes: 0,
pub fn code(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
self.code.iter().map(|b| b.value).collect()
pub fn code_vec(&self) -> Vec<(u8, bool)> {
self.code.iter().map(|b| (b.value, b.is_code)).collect()
pub fn codesize(&self) -> usize {
pub fn hash(&self) -> Word {
pub fn hash_h256(&self) -> Hash {
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<(u8, bool)> {
self.code.get(index).map(|elem| (elem.value, elem.is_code))
pub fn get_byte(&self, index: usize) -> Option<u8> {
self.code.get(index).map(|elem| elem.value)
pub fn append(&mut self, other: &Bytecode) {
for (key, val) in other.markers.iter() {
self.insert_marker(key, self.num_opcodes + val);
self.num_opcodes += other.num_opcodes;
pub fn write_op(&mut self, op: OpcodeId) -> &mut Self {
fn write_op_internal(&mut self, op: u8) -> &mut Self {
self.num_opcodes += 1;
self.write(op, true)
pub fn write(&mut self, value: u8, is_code: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.code.push(BytecodeElement { value, is_code });
pub fn push<T: ToWord>(&mut self, n: u8, value: T) -> &mut Self {
debug_assert!((..=32).contains(&n), "invalid push");
let value = value.to_word();
self.write_op((OpcodeId::push_n(n)).expect("valid push size"));
let mut bytes = [0u8; 32];
value.to_little_endian(&mut bytes);
for i in 0..n {
self.write(bytes[(n - 1 - i) as usize], false);
for byte in bytes.iter().skip(n as usize) {
debug_assert!(*byte == 0u8, "value too big for PUSH{}: {}", n, value);
pub fn add_marker(&mut self, marker: String) -> &mut Self {
self.insert_marker(&marker, self.num_opcodes);
pub fn insert_marker(&mut self, marker: &str, pos: usize) {
"marker already used: {}",
self.markers.insert(marker.to_string(), pos);
pub fn get_pos(&self, marker: &str) -> usize {
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("marker '{}' not found", marker))
pub fn setup_state(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.append(&crate::bytecode! {
pub fn append_op(&mut self, op: OpcodeWithData) -> &mut Self {
match op {
OpcodeWithData::Opcode(opcode) => {
OpcodeWithData::PushWithData(n, word) => {
self.push(n, word);
pub fn iter(&self) -> BytecodeIterator<'_> {
pub fn op_jumpdest(&mut self) -> usize {
pub fn store_code_to_mem(&mut self, code: &Self) {
let len = code.codesize();
let code: Vec<u8> = code
.chain(iter::repeat(0).take(32 - len % 32))
for (index, word) in code.chunks(32).enumerate() {
self.op_mstore(index * 32, Word::from_big_endian(word));
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum OpcodeWithData {
PushWithData(u8, Word),
impl OpcodeWithData {
pub fn opcode(&self) -> OpcodeId {
match self {
OpcodeWithData::Opcode(op) => *op,
OpcodeWithData::PushWithData(n, _) => OpcodeId::push_n(*n).expect("valid push size"),
impl FromStr for OpcodeWithData {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(op: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let err = || Error::InvalidAsmError(op.to_string());
if let Some(push) = op.strip_prefix("PUSH") {
let n_value: Vec<_> = push.splitn(3, ['(', ')']).collect();
let n = n_value[0].parse::<u8>().map_err(|_| err())?;
if n > 32 {
return Err(err());
if n > 0 {
let value = if n_value[1].starts_with("0x") {
Word::from_str_radix(&n_value[1][2..], 16)
} else {
Word::from_str_radix(n_value[1], 10)
.map_err(|_| err())?;
return Ok(OpcodeWithData::PushWithData(n, value));
let opcode = OpcodeId::from_str(op).map_err(|_| err())?;
impl Display for OpcodeWithData {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let str = match self {
OpcodeWithData::Opcode(opcode) => format!("{:?}", opcode),
OpcodeWithData::PushWithData(n, word) => format!("PUSH{}({})", n, word),
pub struct BytecodeIterator<'a>(std::slice::Iter<'a, BytecodeElement>);
impl<'a> Iterator for BytecodeIterator<'a> {
type Item = OpcodeWithData;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|byte| {
let op = OpcodeId::from(byte.value);
let n = op.data_len();
if n > 0 {
let mut value = vec![0u8; n];
for value_byte in value.iter_mut() {
*value_byte =;
OpcodeWithData::PushWithData(n as u8, Word::from(value.as_slice()))
} else {
impl From<Vec<u8>> for Bytecode {
fn from(input: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
let mut code = Bytecode::default();
let mut input_iter = input.iter();
while let Some(byte) = {
let op = OpcodeId::from(*byte);
if op.is_push_with_data() {
let n = op.postfix().expect("opcode with postfix");
for _ in 0..n {
match {
Some(v) => {
code.write(*v, false);
None => {
macro_rules! bytecode {
($($args:tt)*) => {{
let mut code = $crate::bytecode::Bytecode::default();
$crate::bytecode_internal!(code, $($args)*);
macro_rules! bytecode_internal {
($code:ident, ) => {};
($code:ident, $x:ident ($v:expr) $($rest:tt)*) => {{
debug_assert!($crate::evm_types::OpcodeId::$x.is_push_with_data(), "invalid push");
let n = $crate::evm_types::OpcodeId::$x.postfix().expect("opcode with postfix");
$code.push(n, $v);
$crate::bytecode_internal!($code, $($rest)*);
($code:ident, $x:ident $($rest:tt)*) => {{
debug_assert!(!$crate::evm_types::OpcodeId::$x.is_push_with_data(), "invalid push");
$crate::bytecode_internal!($code, $($rest)*);
($code:ident, #[$marker:tt] $($rest:tt)*) => {{
$crate::bytecode_internal!($code, $($rest)*);
($code:ident, .$function:ident ($($args:expr),* $(,)?) $($rest:tt)*) => {{
$crate::bytecode_internal!($code, $($rest)*);
impl Bytecode {
pub fn op_push0(&mut self) -> &mut Self {
self.push(0, Word::zero())
macro_rules! impl_push_n {
($($push_n:ident, $n:expr)*) => {
impl Bytecode {
pub fn $push_n<T: ToWord>(&mut self, value: T) -> &mut Self {
self.push($n, value)
impl_push_n! {
op_push1, 1
op_push2, 2
op_push3, 3
op_push4, 4
op_push5, 5
op_push6, 6
op_push7, 7
op_push8, 8
op_push9, 9
op_push10, 10
op_push11, 11
op_push12, 12
op_push13, 13
op_push14, 14
op_push15, 15
op_push16, 16
op_push17, 17
op_push18, 18
op_push19, 19
op_push20, 20
op_push21, 21
op_push22, 22
op_push23, 23
op_push24, 24
op_push25, 25
op_push26, 26
op_push27, 27
op_push28, 28
op_push29, 29
op_push30, 30
op_push31, 31
op_push32, 32
macro_rules! impl_other_opcodes_inner {
($self:ident, ) => {};
($self:ident, $arg:ident) => {
($self:ident, $arg:ident $($tail:ident)+) => {
impl_other_opcodes_inner!($self, $($tail)*);
macro_rules! impl_other_opcodes {
($(($op:ident, $x:ident $(, $arg:ident : $arg_ty:ident)*)),* $(,)?) => {
impl Bytecode {
pub fn $op<$(
$arg_ty: ToWord,
)*>(&mut self, $($arg: $arg_ty),*) -> &mut Self {
impl_other_opcodes_inner!(self, $($arg)*);
impl_other_opcodes! {
(op_stop, STOP),
(op_add, ADD, a: A, b: B),
(op_mul, MUL, a: A, b: B),
(op_sub, SUB, a: A, b: B),
(op_div, DIV, a: A, b: B),
(op_sdiv, SDIV, a: A, b: B),
(op_mod, MOD, a: A, b: B),
(op_smod, SMOD, a: A, b: B),
(op_addmod, ADDMOD, a: A, b: B, n: N),
(op_mulmod, MULMOD, a: A, b: B, n: N),
(op_exp, EXP, a: A, exponent: B),
(op_signextend, SIGNEXTEND, b: A, x: B),
(op_lt, LT, a: A, b: B),
(op_gt, GT, a: A, b: B),
(op_slt, SLT, a: A, b: B),
(op_sgt, SGT, a: A, b: B),
(op_eq, EQ, a: A, b: B),
(op_iszero, ISZERO, a: A),
(op_and, AND, a: A, b: B),
(op_or, OR, a: A, b: B),
(op_xor, XOR, a: A, b: B),
(op_not, NOT, a: A),
(op_byte, BYTE, i: I, x: X),
(op_shl, SHL, shift: S, value: V),
(op_shr, SHR, shift: S, value: V),
(op_sar, SAR, shift: S, value: V),
(op_sha3, SHA3, offset: O, size: S),
(op_address, ADDRESS),
(op_balance, BALANCE, address: A),
(op_origin, ORIGIN),
(op_caller, CALLER),
(op_callvalue, CALLVALUE),
(op_calldataload, CALLDATALOAD, i: I),
(op_calldatasize, CALLDATASIZE),
(op_calldatacopy, CALLDATACOPY, dest_offset: D, offset: B, size: C),
(op_codesize, CODESIZE),
(op_codecopy, CODECOPY, dest_offset: D, offset: B, size: C),
(op_gasprice, GASPRICE),
(op_extcodesize, EXTCODESIZE, address: A),
(op_extcodecopy, EXTCODECOPY, address: A, dest_offset: D, offset: B, size: C),
(op_returndatasize, RETURNDATASIZE),
(op_returndatacopy, RETURNDATACOPY, dest_offset: D, offset: B, size: C),
(op_extcodehash, EXTCODEHASH, address: A),
(op_blockhash, BLOCKHASH, blocknumber: B),
(op_coinbase, COINBASE),
(op_timestamp, TIMESTAMP),
(op_number, NUMBER),
(op_prevrandao, DIFFICULTY), (op_difficulty, DIFFICULTY),
(op_gaslimit, GASLIMIT),
(op_chainid, CHAINID),
(op_selfbalance, SELFBALANCE),
(op_pop, POP),
(op_mload, MLOAD, offset: O),
(op_mstore, MSTORE, offset: O, value: V),
(op_mstore8, MSTORE8, offset: O, value: V),
(op_sload, SLOAD, offset: O),
(op_sstore, SSTORE, offset: O, value: V),
(op_jump, JUMP, counter: C),
(op_jumpi, JUMPI, counter: C), (op_pc, PC),
(op_msize, MSIZE),
(op_gas, GAS),
(op_dup1, DUP1),
(op_dup2, DUP2),
(op_dup3, DUP3),
(op_dup4, DUP4),
(op_dup5, DUP5),
(op_dup6, DUP6),
(op_dup7, DUP7),
(op_dup8, DUP8),
(op_dup9, DUP9),
(op_dup10, DUP10),
(op_dup11, DUP11),
(op_dup12, DUP12),
(op_dup13, DUP13),
(op_dup14, DUP14),
(op_dup15, DUP15),
(op_dup16, DUP16),
(op_swap1, SWAP1),
(op_swap2, SWAP2),
(op_swap3, SWAP3),
(op_swap4, SWAP4),
(op_swap5, SWAP5),
(op_swap6, SWAP6),
(op_swap7, SWAP7),
(op_swap8, SWAP8),
(op_swap9, SWAP9),
(op_swap10, SWAP10),
(op_swap11, SWAP11),
(op_swap12, SWAP12),
(op_swap13, SWAP13),
(op_swap14, SWAP14),
(op_swap15, SWAP15),
(op_swap16, SWAP16),
(op_log0, LOG0, offset: O, size: S),
(op_log1, LOG1, offset: O, size: S, topic1: T1),
(op_log2, LOG2, offset: O, size: S, topic1: T1, topic2: T2),
(op_log3, LOG3, offset: O, size: S, topic1: T1, topic2: T2, topic3: T3),
(op_log4, LOG4, offset: O, size: S, topic1: T1, topic2: T2, topic3: T3, topic4: T4),
(op_create, CREATE, value: V, offset: O, size: S),
(op_call, CALL, gas: G, address: A, value: V, args_offset: AO, args_size: AS, ret_offset: RO, ret_size: RS),
(op_callcode, CALLCODE, gas: G, address: A, value: V, args_offset: AO, args_size: AS, ret_offset: RO, ret_size: RS),
(op_return, RETURN, offset: O, size: S),
(op_delegatecall, DELEGATECALL, gas: G, address: A, args_offset: AO, args_size: AS, ret_offset: RO, ret_size: RS),
(op_create2, CREATE2, value: V, offset: O, size: SI, salt: SA),
(op_staticcall, STATICCALL, gas: G, address: A, args_offset: AO, args_size: AS, ret_offset: RO, ret_size: RS),
(op_revert, REVERT, offset: O, size: S),
mod tests {
use crate::Bytecode;
fn test_bytecode_roundtrip() {
let code = bytecode! {
assert_eq!(Bytecode::from(code.code()), code);