Opcode Fetching


For opcode fetching, we might have 3 sources in different situation:

  1. When contract interaction, we lookup bytecode_table to read bytecode.
  2. When contract creation in root call, we lookup tx_table to read transaction's calldata.
  3. When contract creation in internal call, we lookup rw_table to read caller's memory.

Also we need to handle 2 kinds of annoying EVM features:

  1. Implicit STOP returning if fetching out of range.
  2. For JUMP*, we need to verify:
    1. destination is a JUMPDEST
    2. destination is not a data section of PUSH*

Since for each step program_counter only changes in 3 situation:

if opcode in [JUMP, JUMPI]:
    program_counter = dest
elif opcode in range(PUSH1, PUSH1 + 32):
    program_counter += opcode - PUSH1 + 1
    program_counter += 1

For all opcodes except for JUMP* and PUSH*, we only need to worry about first issue, and we can solve it by checking if bytecode_length <= program_counter then detect such case.

For PUSH* we can do the lookup only when program_counter + x < bytecode_length and simulate the "implicit 0". (Other opcodes like CALLDATALOAD, CALLDATACOPY, CODECOPY, EXTCODECOPY also encounter such "implicit 0" problem, and we need to handle them carefully).

However, for JUMP* we need one more trick to handle, especially for the issue 2.2., which seems not possible to check if we don't scan through all opcodes from the beginning to the end.

Focus on solving the issue 2.2., my thought went through 2 steps:

Step #1 - is_code Annotation

If the opcode is layouted to be adjacent like the bytecode_table or tx_table, we can annotate each row with push_data_rindex and is_code:

push_data_rindex means push data's reverse index, which starts from 1 instead of 0.


$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \texttt{{bytecode_hash,tx_id}} & \texttt{index} & \texttt{opcode} & \texttt{push_data_rindex} & \texttt{is_code} & \text{note} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{PUSH1} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{1} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0xef} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{0xee} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{1} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{3} & \texttt{PUSH2} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{1} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{4} & \texttt{PUSH1} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{0} & \text{is not code} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{5} & \texttt{PUSH1} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0} & \text{is not code} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{6} & \texttt{JUMPDEST} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{1} & \text{is code!} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \end{array} $$

The constraint would be like:

class Row:
    code_hash_or_tx_id: int
    index: int
    opcode: int
    push_data_rindex: int
    is_code: int

def constraint(prev: Row, curr: Row, is_first_row: bool):
    same_source = curr.code_hash_or_tx_id == prev.code_hash_or_tx_id

    assert curr.is_code == is_zero(curr.push_data_rindex)

    if is_first_row or same_source:
        assert curr.push_data_rindex == 0
        if prev.is_code:
            if (prev.opcode - PUSH1) in range(32):
                assert curr.push_data_rindex == prev.opcode - PUSH1 + 1
                assert curr.push_data_rindex == 0
            assert curr.push_data_rindex == prev.push_data_rindex - 1

And when handling JUMP* we can check is_code for verification.

However, the memory in the State circuit it's layouted to be memory_address and then rw_counter, which we can't select at some specific point to do such analysis. So this approach seems not work on all situations.

Step #2 - Explicitly copy memory to bytecode_table

It seems inevitable to copy the memory to bytecode_table since the CREATE* needs it to know the bytecode_hash. So maybe we can abuse such constraint to also copy the creation bytecode to the bytecode_table. Althought the hash of it means nothing, we still can use it as a unique identifier to index out the opcode.

Then we can define an internal multi-step execution result COPY_MEMORY_TO_BYTECODE which can only transit from CREATE* or RETURN, and copy the memory from offset with length to the bytecode_table.

Although it costs many steps to copy the creation code, it makes the opcode fetching source become simpler with only bytecode_table and tx_table. The issue of memory's unfriendly layout is also gone, issue 2.2. is then resolved.

Memory copy on creation code seems terrible since a prover can reuse the same large chunk of memory to call multiple times of CREATE*, and we always need to copy them, which might cost many steps. We need some benchmark to see if a block contains full of such CREATE* to know how much gas we can verify in a block, then know if it's aligned to current gas cost model or not, and decide whether to further optimize it.


Random Thought

Memory copy optimization

When it comes to "memory copy", it means in EVM circuit we lookup both rw_table and bytecode_table to make sure the chunk of memory indeed exists in the latter table. However, EVM circuit doesn't have a friendly layout to do such operation (it costs many expressions to achieve so).

If we want to further optimize "memory copy" in respect to the concern highlighted in Step #2, since we know the memory to be copied is in chunk, and in bytecode_table it also exists in chunk, then we seem to let Bytecode circuit to do such operation with correct rw_counter, and in EVM circuit we only need to "trigger" such operation. We can add extra selector columns to enable it like:

$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \texttt{call_id} & \texttt{memory_offset} & \texttt{rw_counter} & \texttt{bytecode_hash} & \texttt{bytecode_length} & \texttt{index} & \texttt{opcode} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \texttt{3} & \texttt{64} & \texttt{38} & \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{4} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{PUSH1} \\\hline \texttt{3} & \texttt{64} & \texttt{39} & \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{4} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0x00} \\\hline \texttt{3} & \texttt{64} & \texttt{40} & \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{4} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{DUP1} \\\hline \texttt{3} & \texttt{64} & \texttt{41} & \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{4} & \texttt{3} & \texttt{RETURN} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \end{array} $$

bytecode_length is required no matter we adopt this or not. It's ignored previously for simplicity


Then the constraint in Bytecode circuit might look like:

class Row:
    call_id: int
    memory_offset: int
    rw_counter: int

    bytecode_hash: int
    bytecode_length: int
    index: int
    opcode: int

def copy_memory_constraint(prev: Row, curr: Row, is_first_row: bool):
    same_source = curr.bytecode_hash == prev.bytecode_hash
    if same_source:
        assert curr.call_id == prev.call_id
        assert curr.memory_offset == prev.memory_offset
        assert curr.rw_counter == prev.rw_counter + 1

    if curr.call_id is not 0:
        assert (
            curr.rw_counter,                 # rw_counter
            False,                           # is_write
            Memory,                          # tag
            curr.call_id,                    # call_id
            curr.memory_offset + curr.index, # memory_address
            curr.opcode,                     # byte
        ) in rw_table

And in EVM circuit we only needs to make sure the first row of such series exist, then transit the rw_counter by bytecode_length to next step.

Memory copy generalizaiton

For opcodes like PUSH*, CALLDATALOAD, CALLDATACOPY, CODECOPY, EXTCODECOPY we need to copy bytecode to memory and it seems that we can reuse the COPY_MEMORY_TO_BYTECODE, with a small tweak to change the is_write to memory to True.

Tx calldata copy

Since we already copy memory, why not also copy the calldata part of tx_table to bytecode_table? We can use the same trick as in Memory copy optimization to make sure tx calldata is copied to bytecode_table. Then we only have a single source to do opcode fetching, which simplifies a lot of things.

The only concern is, will this cost much on bytecode_table's capacity? We still need actual benchmark to see if it's adoptable.


I think so it would be better to maintain only one byte_code_table for all related using if it is feasible, calldata copy of contract creation seems double the table size
