Reversible Write Reversion Note 2

ZKEVM - State Circuit Extension - StateDB


In EVM, there are multiple kinds of StateDB updates that could be reverted when any internal call fails.

  • tx_access_list_account - (tx_id, address) -> accessed
  • tx_access_list_storage_slot - (tx_id, address, storage_slot) -> accessed
  • account_nonce - address -> nonce
  • account_balance - address -> balance
  • account_code_hash - address -> code_hash
  • account_storage - (address, storage_slot) -> storage

The complete list can be found here. For tx_refund, tx_log, account_destructed we don't need to write and revert because those state changes don't affect future execution, so we only write them when is_persistent=1.


  • Black arrow represents the time, which is composed by points of sequential rw_counter.
  • Red circle represents the revert section.

The actions that write to the StateDB inside the red box will also revert themselves in the revert section (red circle), but in reverse order.

Each call needs to know its rw_counter_end_of_revert_section to revert with the correct rw_counter. If callee is a success call but in some red box (is_persistent=0), we need to copy caller's rw_counter_end_of_revert_section and reversible_write_counter to callee's.


The opcode SELFDESTRUCT sets the flag is_destructed of the account, but before that transaction ends, the account can still be executed, receive ether, and access storage as usual. The flag is_destructed takes effect only after a transaction ends.

In particular, the state trie gets finalized after each transaction, and only when state trie gets finalized the account is actually deleted. After the transaction with SELFDESTRUCT is finalized, any further transaction treats the account as an empty account.

So if some contract executed SELFDESTRUCT but then receive some ether, those ether will vanish into thin air after the transaction is finalized. Soooo weird.


The SELFDESTRUCT is a powerful opcode that makes many state changes at the same time including:

  • account_nonce
  • account_balance
  • account_code_hash
  • all slots of account_storage

The first 3 values are relatively easy to handle in circuit: we could track an extra selfdestruct_counter and rw_counter_end_of_tx and set them to empty value at rw_counter_end_of_tx - selfdestruct_counter, which is just how we handle reverts.

However, the account_storage is tricky because we don't track the storage trie and update it after each transaction, instead we only track each used slot in storage trie and update the storage trie after the whole block.

Workaround for consistency check

It seems that we need to annotate each account with a revision_id. The revision_id increases only when is_destructed is set and tx_id changes. With the different revision_ids we can reset the values in State circuit for nonce, balance, code_hash, and each storage just like we initialize the memroy.

So address -> is_destructed becomes (tx_id, address) -> (revision_id, is_destructed).

Then we add an extra revision_id to nonce, balance, code_hash and storage. For nonce, balance and code_hash we group them by (address, revision_id) -> {nonce,balance,code_hash}, for storage we group them by (address, storage_slot, revision_id) -> storage_value.

Here is an example of account_balance with revision_id:

$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \texttt{address} & \texttt{revision_id} & \texttt{rwc} & \texttt{balance} & \texttt{balance_prev} & \texttt{is_write} & \text{note} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{0xfd}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \texttt{1} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{10} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{1} & \text{open from trie} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{23} & \texttt{20} & \texttt{10} & \texttt{1} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{45} & \texttt{20} & \texttt{20} & \texttt{0} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{60} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{20} & \texttt{1} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{1}} & \texttt{63} & \texttt{5} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{1} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{2}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{0}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{1} & \text{reset} \\\hline \texttt{0xfe} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{72} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{0} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{0xff}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \end{array} $$

Note that after contract selfdestructs, it can still receive ether, but the ether will vanish into thin air after transaction gets finalized. The reset is like the lazy initlization of memory, the value is set to 0 when revision_id is different.

Here is how we increase the revision_id:

$$ \begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \texttt{address} & \texttt{tx_id} & \texttt{rwc} & \texttt{revision_id} & \texttt{is_destructed} & \texttt{is_destructed_prev} & \texttt{is_write} & \text{note} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{0xfd}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{1} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{1} & \text{init} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{11} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{0} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{17} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{1} & \text{self destruct} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{1}} & \texttt{29} & \texttt{1} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{1}} & \texttt{1} & \texttt{1} & \text{self destruct again} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{2}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \color{#f00}{\texttt{2}} & \texttt{0} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{1} & \text{increase} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{40} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{0} & \texttt{0} \\\hline \texttt{0xff} & \texttt{3} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{2} & \texttt{0} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{x}} & \texttt{1} & \text{no increase} \\\hline \color{#aaa}{\texttt{0xff}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} & \color{#aaa}{\texttt{-}} \\\hline \end{array} $$

Because self destruct only takes effect after the transaction, we increase the revision_id only when tx_id is different and is_destructed is set.

Workaround for trie update

The State circuit not only checks consistency, it also triggers the update of the storage tries and state trie.

Originally, some part of State circuit would assign the first row value and collect the last row value of each account's nonce, balance, code_hash as well as the first & last used slots of storage, then update the state trie.

With revision_id, it needs to peek the final revision_id first, and collect the last row value with the revision_id to make sure all values are actually reset.
